
Cardinal rules for provision of safety and health protection at work applicable for Business partners, Suppliers, Forwarders, Suppliers of transport works or services in ZEOCEM, a.s.

Each supplier, forwarder, supplier of transport works or services is obliged to ensure that persons it sends to perform individua! works and activities to the premises of ZEOCEM a.s. are familiar with and comply with the following obligations to ensure safety and health protection at work defined by ZEOCEM a.s. 

1. Drivers and their accompanying persons are strictly forbidden to enter the administrative buildings within ZEOCEM a.s. premises. An exception is entry with an approval from an authorised employee of ZEOCEM a.s., who shall record such entry in writing and who shall lead the persons into an administrative building.

2. Drivers and their accompanying persons are FORBIDDEN to enter the premises of ZEOCEM a.s., except for driving a vehicle on the defined raute for loading/unloading and back. Other movement is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN, or it has to be ordered/approved by an authorised employee of ZEOCEM, a.s.!

3. Within the premises of ZEOCEM a.s., drivers and their accompanying persons, located outside a vehicle cabin, are ALWAYS OBLIGED to wear the following certified persona I protective means:

  • Reflective clothing/vest
  • Protective helmet (fastened)
  • Protective boots (with sole resistant to piercing and cutting, protecting against slipping and wricking) 

4. Within the premises of ZEOCEM a.s., during activities and works in heights, where there is a risk of falling to a depth greater than 1.5 m (e.g. activity on a platform of a tank vehicle/semi-trailer, activity on a platform of a tipcart/semi-trailer, activity on a platform of a tarpaulin vehicle/semi-trailer, activity on a platform of a container, activity related to a tarpaulin of a loading space of a vehicle/semi-trailer, etc.), drivers and their accompanying persons are ALWAYS OBLIGED to use (in accordance with manufacturer's instructions) means of personaI security- safety harness. 

5. Within the premises of ZEOCEM a.s., drivers and their accompanying persons are ALWAYS OBLIGED to be equipped with the following certified persona! protective means:

  • Hearing protector
  • Mask
  • Protective goggles
  • Protective gloves

Drivers and their accompanying persons shall use these persona! protective means upon a request. Drivers and their accompanying persons can use these persona I protective means also upon their own discretion and after considering current conditions.

6. Within the premises of ZEOCEM a.s., it is FORBIDDEN to use a moblle phone during driving a vehicle, during performing other working activities, during walking or other movement. 

7. Within the premises of ZEOCEM a.s.,it is FORBIDDEN to smoke! Smoking is allowed only within areas designated for smoking.

8. Within the premises of ZEOCEM a.s., a driver is responsible for opening a loading lid of a tank before loading, or for approaching with a vehicle to loading with opened lid. lnstallation of the loading device head is performed by a ZEOCEM a.s. employee. During the process of tank filling, a driver SHALL NOT be positioned on a tank.

9. Within the premises of ZEOCEM a.s., before getting aut of a vehicle and before performing activities on a vehicle, semi-trailer or on some other towed device, a driver is ALWAYS OBLIGED to secure a vehicle against unintentional movement (according to vehicle manufacturer's instructions).

10. Within the premises of ZEOCEM a.s., during climbing on or during descending from a ladder, drivers and their accompanying persons shall face a ladder and they shall hold a ladder with both their hands. Both hands shall be free; he shall not hold or carry anything in his hands.

11. lt is FORBIDDEN to stay in endangered loading area of a vehicle during loading or unloading. During loading or unloading of a vehicle through a mechanised device (fork-lift, technological loading devices of hoppers, etc.), drivers and their accompanying persons are OBLIGED to follow instructions of the operating personnel.

12. Each time the vehicle is put into motion, a driver is OBLIGED notify it in advance by using a warning sound device of the vehicle.

13. A driver is OBLIGED to notify each reversing by using a warning light and sound device of the vehicle.

14. Maintenance and potential repairs of a vehicle/semi-trailer MUST be done OUTSIDE THE PREMISES of the company and OUTSIDE PARKING LOTS of the ZEOCEM, a.s. ln exceptional cases, when a repair is performed within the premises of ZEOCEM a.s., a vehicle shall be clearly marked as an obstacle.

15. When leaving a vehicle, a driver MUST lock his vehicle.

16. Any extraordinary event, including events during which safety and health of a driver were endangered, regardless of the fact whether health was damaged or not, MUST BE immediately reported to ZEOCEM a.s. employee responsible for the specific workstation, or to some other ZEOCEM a.s. employee - after leaving the premises, such event will not be taken into consideration.

17. lf a driver causes pollution with his vehicle, he is OBLIGED to remove such pollution.

18. A driver is OBLIGED to submit to a potential check of compliance with the above specified rules, as well as tests for alcohol and other narcotics, performed by authorised ZEOCEM a.s. employees, or by person professionally capable for safety and health protection at work.

19. ln case of announced pandemie measures, drivers and their accompanying persons are obliged to follow instructions announced by ZEOCEM a.s.

20. ln case of violation of any of the above specified obligations, ZEOCEM a.s. reserves the right to award a fine of € 30 applicable if a sanctioned person will pay it on the spot. Settlement of the fine on the spot is possible only during working hours from 7.00 a.m. to 1.30. p.m. lf a sanctioned person will not settle the fine on the spot, the fine will be invoiced in the amount of € 50 to the supplier or forwarder that sent a sanctioned person to ZEOCEM a.s. 

21. Every supplier, forwarder, supplier of works and services is obliged to demonstrably familiarize a person sent to ZEOCEM a.s. premises with the above specified obligations.

22. Delivery of these Cardinal rules to the business partner, suppler, forwarder, supplier of works and services, or their publication of the website of ZEOCEM a.s. is considered to be a demonstrable familiarization of persons sent by them with the obligations specified in these Cardinal rules.

In Bystre, 16 March 2023

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