The bedding with added natural material ZeoBedding effectively eliminates ammonia that imposes a significant burden on the surrounding environment and negatively affects the musculoskeletal apparatus and overall health of animals. Absorption of ammonia and its reduced occurrence in the environment ensure fewer attacks against the musculoskeletal apparatus and improved physical condition of the livestock.
ZeoBedding increases the absorption capacity of the bedding leading to reduced humidity of the surrounding environment and improved consistency of the litter. Thus, the manure obtained as a secondary product of animal husbandry offers benefits added by the contained zeolite: slower release of nutrients into the soil, lower risk of escape of nutrients into groundwater and a more effective use of the supplied nutrients by the root system of the plants.
ZeoBedding is 100 % natural material also suitable for animal husbandry in ecological farming.
Bedding for poultry: combined with sawdust / ZeoBedding in a ratio 75 : 25
Dairy cows (housing on solid floor surfaces without grates – barns, lying areas): 500 g / week / dairy cow
Horses: 0.5-2 kg / m2 / week
Deep bedding: 0.5-2 kg / m2 / week
Application for other animal species: sprinkling over the floor with dosage of 0.5-2 kg / m2 of floor area
Fattening of broilers: to be applied only before introduction of bedding in the hall - dosage 2 kg / m2. During fattening, the material is to be refilled only near feeders and nipple drinkers, in order to minimize disturbances in the hall. Complete replacement of bedding is to be carried out after the termination of the fattening cycle once per 28 to 40 days.
Inspiring video showing the effects of the ZeoFeed® product on the digestive tract of animals.