Product with high content of finely ground clinker, natural zeolite in optimal combination with other minor additives. Compound hydraulic binder is used for drying, improving and stabilizing fine- and coarse-grained soils. It is ideal for stabilization on gravelly and sandy soil types and for drying and improvement for clay soil types.
It is suitable for use in the construction of various construction projects:
- construction of embankments
- construction of roads
- construction of industrial halls
- construction of industrial parks and business centres
- infrastructure with a large handling area

- Economic savings
- Fast and simple solution without need for worktime and capital increase
- High strength even in most demanding conditions
- Increased longterm ground area strength
- Technical support and project consultation
- Individual approach and evaluation of optimum mixture binder choice
- Cistern truck shall deliver the binder from the production plant to the application point
- Binder feeder to which the binder is blown into from cistern truck shall be used
for binder feeding
- Binder homogenization with soil shall be provided by special machinery – soil cutter
- It will be followed by compacting and compacting mechanisms system