

Reconstruction of the railway line

Reconstruction of the railway line

17 Juni 2024

The volume of transport in the form of a railway connection at our plant is increasing year by year. The volume of transport of input materials and export of our products is increasing.

Electric trucks for importing zeolite

Electric trucks for importing zeolite

22 März 2024

We are testing an electric truck for transporting raw zeolite and finished products.

Presentation of KlinoLIME and KlinoCEM products at the professional conference VUIS - CESTY

Presentation of KlinoLIME and KlinoCEM products at the professional conference VUIS - CESTY

11 Februar 2024

ZEOCEM became a partner of the 14th annual VUIS CESTY conference - Unconsolidated and hydraulically cemented road layers in Podbanské, in the High Tatras

Change of the company

Change of the company

27 November 2023

With effect from 21.11.2023, the company changed its legal form to ZEOCEM s.r.o.

Our products ZeoSand and ZeoGravel are included in the FIBL catalog

Our products ZeoSand and ZeoGravel are included in the FIBL catalog

18 Juli 2023

The inclusion in the FiBL catalog confirms their possibility of use in ecological agriculture.

We activated the LPG station at the ZEOCEM plant

We activated the LPG station at the ZEOCEM plant

14 Juli 2023

We diversify energy sources of fuels for zeolite drying.

Neue Mikronisierungslinie zur Herstellung deProdukts ZeoCem Micro

Neue Mikronisierungslinie zur Herstellung deProdukts ZeoCem Micro

01 Juni 2023

Neue Produktionslinie zur Produktion des gemahlenen Zeoliths

Zeolite products at the Vuis - Cesty 2023 Road Surface Conference

Zeolite products at the Vuis - Cesty 2023 Road Surface Conference

07 März 2023

Among more than 190 participants, we presented our zeolite products KlinoLIME and KlinoCEM, the method of their application and the advantages of use.

The modernization of our plant continues, take a look at the progress of the repair of mill No. 3

The modernization of our plant continues, take a look at the progress of the repair of mill No. 3

06 März 2023

Soon we will grind zeolite with new improved technology that will increase performance and reduce the energy intensity of production.

New cooperation for organic agriculture

New cooperation for organic agriculture

21 Februar 2023

At the beginning of 2023, ZEOCEM became a member of AVOH - the Association of Organic Fertilizer Producers. The association brings together producers of ecological agricultural products for fertilization and protection of soil, seeds and plants.

Warum ist Zeolith für Anbau von Kakteen und Sukkulenten geeignet? Er durchlüftet den Boden und reguliert den Wasserhaushalt

Warum ist Zeolith für Anbau von Kakteen und Sukkulenten geeignet? Er durchlüftet den Boden und reguliert den Wasserhaushalt

25 August 2022

Blätter von Kakteen und Sukkulenten sind fleischig und dazu angepasst, Wasser und Nährstoffe zu halten, deshalb ist das richtige Substrat, das den Wasserhaushalt reguliert, für Wachstum der sukkulenten Pflanzenarten außerordentlich wichtig.

How does the exhibition of horticulture organized once in a decade look alike?

How does the exhibition of horticulture organized once in a decade look alike?

22 Juni 2022

It presents the future of city parks, hypermodern greenhouses, and Zeolite. Floriade Expo 2022. You can visit the exhibition in Almera, the Netherlands, till October 29, 2022.

Zeolite as part of the renewal of the city park Równia Krupowa in Zakopane

Zeolite as part of the renewal of the city park Równia Krupowa in Zakopane

07 Februar 2022

ZeoGravel and ZeoSand product reference for city park renovation. 

New in the product line - ZeoGranul

New in the product line - ZeoGranul

07 Februar 2022

ZeoGranul is a zeolite modified into the form of granules. We have added properties that will improve the handling and dosing of zeolite, but will retain its absorption and ion exchange capacity, which makes it unique.

KlinoGrow at the Donau Soya 2021 exhibition event

KlinoGrow at the Donau Soya 2021 exhibition event

10 Oktober 2021

We met with soybean growers and processors to present the benefits of natural fertilizer KlinoGrow and its potential uses in organic farming.

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Video ZeoFeed

Video ZeoFeed®

Inspirierendes Video über die Auswirkungen des ZeoFeed®-Produkts auf den Verdauungstrakt von Tieren.

Video Zeocem

Video Zeocem

Ein Blick in die Fabrik, in der Zeolith und Zeolithprodukte abgebaut, verarbeitet und verpackt werden.

Video Zeolite

Video Zeolit

Was ist Zeolith-Klinoptilolith und Beispiele für seine Verwendung in Industrie und Landwirtschaft.